Coming home from work, exhausted and still have to cook for the family? Well do not fret, here is a dish of steamed prawns done and prepared all in about 20 minutes. But make sure you defrost the prawns earlier. You can accompany with 2 other dishes like a bowl of mamite soup and blanched vegetable dish with soya sauce and onion oil.
10 big tiger prawns, slit and deveined, cut off feelers
2 tablespoon minced young fresh ginger
2 tablespoon ginger wine
salt and pepper to taste
a few dash of sesame oil
chopped parsley
Put the cleaned prawns on a stainless steel plate.
Add the chopped ginger, wine, salt and pepper to taste.
Put in a wok of boiling water and steam for 10 minutes.
Add some chopped parsley and sesame oil. Serve with rice.