5 Packs Beans ( Your Choice of Beans )
3 Beef Bouillon Cubes
3 Tablespoons Chives ( Dried )
1 Teaspoon Savory ( Dried )
1 Teaspoon Salt ( Optional )
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cumin
1 Bay Leaf
2 1/2 Quarts Water
1 Can Stewed Tomatoes
Take and combine all your beans.
Seperate your beans into even portions, preferably four eaqual portions as you will not need all the beans for one batch of soup.
Next wash the selected portion of beans and then place into a large pot without enough water to cover them.
Bring the beans and water to a boil, continue to cook for approximately 3 - 5 minutes.
Afterwards, remove from the heat and let cool for about one hour.
Drain and rinse beans, return to pot. Add your spices and water into the beans.
If you prefer not to have your spices in the soup, but only the flavor, it is recommended you put your spices into a cheese cloth bag and set into soup instead of putting spices directly into the soup.
Bring ingredients to a boil, reduce heat, and cover. Let simmer for about 1 - 1 1/2 hours or until beans are tender.
Stir occassionally during this process.
Afterwards remove your cheesecloth bag of spices if you prepared your soup that way, and add your tomatoes into the pot.
Heat the ingreadients for a few minutes until it is heated through.