I made this giant slow cooker cookie last night! Apparently it was freaking AMAZING! My partner can’t stop talking about it!
So thought I would share the love and the calories
- 1/2 c butter - real butter
- 1/2 c raw sugar - could use normal
- 1/3 c brown sugar
- 1 and 1/2 c plain flour
- 1 egg
- 1 tbs vanilla essence or extract
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Pinch salt
- Choc chip cookies or whatever you have
How to make it:
Beat sugars and butter add egg and vanilla, once combined add flour and baking powder and salt, mix together with spoon then add choc chips.
I lined my slow cooker with baking paper poured in the dough and roughly spread out, covered using tea towel trick and cooked on high for 1 and a half hours.
Remove from slow cooker to cool
Serve with cream or ice cream
I checked it at an hour as this slow cooker cooks high on one side
I didn’t have a chance to take a photo before it was attacked but apparently it was so good crispy on the outside soft and moist on the inside!
Next time I’m going to try it using caremello koalas!!